On Friday, December 17, 2021 at 2:33:55 PM UTC-8 Randall wrote:

> Hi all:
> I am building sage version 9.4 from source on my OpenSuse Linux Leap 15.2 
> OS and like the install document stated, it has taken hours (using a HP 
> Z420 workstation with 6 Xeon processors) 
> I have noticed some odd things occurring which caught my attention as at 
> one time in my life I was in charge of 1+million line code handoff to 
> another company and our code had to be very high quality.
> Here's what caught my eye:
> 1. dozens of warnings during Cythonizing of comparing signed variables to 
> unsigned. This warning needs to be heeded and the code fixed
> 2. dozens of warnings of compares using uninitialized variables. It goes 
> without saying that using uninitialized variables is only asking for 
> trouble later on. These need to be fixed also.
> 3. hundreds of warnings during package compilation, the source code does 
> need improvement. I did notice that some C programmers were attempting to 
> write C++ code, but this is asking for trouble too. C++ is not advanced C, 
> despite the popular (mis) belief in this.
> I am attempting to install the optional packages just to see what happens, 
> for the build process, but it looks like bundling several packages (say x) 
> on the ./compile line is only asking for repeats of the whole compile run 
> x-times. It should be possible to install all on only one run, not x-runs.

Do you mean the "./configure" line? If you do "./configure --enable-qhull 
--enable-libsemigroups" at the start, then "make" should just increase the 
build time by whatever it takes for those two packages — it shouldn't 
repeat anything.

I have some questions here
> 1. Will "make all" build all the optional packages and avoid the 
> experimental?
> (I did NOT try make all, because just doing make itself chewed up about 9 
> hours time)

No, "make all" just builds the standard packages and the documentation.

9 hours seems way too long. Are you building in parallel (step 7 in 
That should speed things up. For instance it takes under an hour on my 2017 
iMac, not a super-fast machine, although it does use some system packages 
to avoid building time-consuming packages like gcc/gfortran.

> 2. I noticed that sage recommended several OpenSuse system packages on the 
> zypper install line, but I did run this and believe it or not, nothing was 
> available. Is there some consideration to creating a public mathematical 
> software repository where these OpenSuse packages are available? (This 
> probably needs to be extended to most of the public Linux systems)

We rely on package managers for the different linux systems to produce 
packages and then we use what's available. (Some Sage developers help with 
those packages.) I don't know how receptive OpenSuse would be to a 
repository of packages that they hadn't vetted; would they welcome this or 
view it suspiciously.

For the way we use packages now, see 
and for example build/pkgs/arb/distros/opensuse.txt.

> 3. Can the dochtml installer be decoupled from the regular install, and it 
> run optionally? It  takes up a lot of time for it to discover that 
> everything has already been installed.

Running "make build" will build the standard packages and not build the 


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