
On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 08:37:52AM -0800, William Stein wrote:
> Amazing.  Does anybody reading this use 32-bit Linux?

Not using on a daily basis, but in in october 2021, i built a Sage
Debian Live 32 bit because Nicolas was going to teach Sage in Burkina
Faso (and i was teaching Sage in Algeria a couple of weeks later), and
to be honest, cygwin is too slow to be used during such a tutorial. The
image can still be downloaded at:

sha256sum : 7b6b9c6bc57bfd177286d20e7878e456aec67cda398d88bf3a43f291badbeaf9

Such Sage binaries are built within a qemu VM.

Note that not all optional packages are installed (some failed to
build), and some doctests are failing, which is why i did not release it
(and because i still want to fix some things in the SDL itself). But it
still contains most of Sage.

What seems clear to me is that, as i stopped to release SDL for a while,
the number of 32bit issues increased (by lack of pressure), also, most
upstream projects seem not test fo 32bit architecture anymore.

Apparently, there was at least one student with a 32bit laptop in
Burkina Faso, none in Algeria. The next SDL will be 64bit, though we
could continue to use my qemu machinery to build and test for 32bit


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