On Wed, 2022-02-23 at 10:34 -0800, Advay Goel wrote:

> For example, I currently have a 10-dimensional polytope that is located in 
> QQ^18. How would I bring this polytope into 10-dimensional space so that I 
> can use LRS to calculate its volume?

If you have a ten-dimensional polytope, there exists a ten-dimensional
space that contains it. Pick a basis for that space, and represent your
polytope in terms of it. Now the vertices of the ten-dimensional
polytope have ten coordinates in a ten-dimensional ambient space.

Caveat: how you choose the basis is important for the notion of volume.
You can choose an isometric one, but you probably won't be able to
remain in QQ then. If you need exact answers, that could be a problem.

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