~/sage-9.6/git/rc2$ sage.mod/sage --coverageall
__init__.py: 100.0% (1 of 1)
algebras/affine_nil_temperley_lieb.py: 100.0% (11 of 11)
algebras/algebra.py: 100.0% (1 of 1)
algebras/askey_wilson.py: 100.0% (21 of 21)
algebras/associated_graded.py: 100.0% (9 of 9)
algebras/cellular_basis.py: 100.0% (9 of 9)
algebras/clifford_algebra.py: 100.0% (64 of 64)
algebras/cluster_algebra.py: 100.0% (82 of 82)
algebras/commutative_dga.py: 100.0% (86 of 86)
typeset/character_art.py: 100.0% (20 of 20)
typeset/character_art_factory.py: 100.0% (12 of 12)
typeset/symbols.py: 100.0% (6 of 6)
typeset/unicode_art.py: 100.0% (3 of 3)

Overall weighted coverage score: 96.7%
Total number of functions: 53125
We need 1237 more functions to get to 99% coverage.

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