BTW, (too ?) simple check :

sage: all(map(lambda 
....:         (sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot, sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, sech, 
....:         (arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccsc, arcsec, arccot, arcsinh, 
arccosh, arctanh, arccsch, arcsech, arccoth)))

Le samedi 2 juillet 2022 à 10:32:30 UTC+2, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :

> The SR.exponentialize method implements :
> sage: [u(x)==u(x)._sympy_().rewrite("exp")._sage_()
> ....:  for u in (sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot, sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, sech, 
> coth)]
> [sin(x) == -1/2*I*e^(I*x) + 1/2*I*e^(-I*x),
>  cos(x) == 1/2*e^(I*x) + 1/2*e^(-I*x),
>  tan(x) == -I*(e^(I*x) - e^(-I*x))/(e^(I*x) + e^(-I*x)),
>  csc(x) == 2*I/(e^(I*x) - e^(-I*x)),
>  sec(x) == 2/(e^(I*x) + e^(-I*x)),
>  cot(x) == I*(e^(I*x) + e^(-I*x))/(e^(I*x) - e^(-I*x)),
>  sinh(x) == -1/2*e^(-x) + 1/2*e^x,
>  cosh(x) == 1/2*e^(-x) + 1/2*e^x,
>  tanh(x) == -(e^(-x) - e^x)/(e^(-x) + e^x),
>  csch(x) == -2/(e^(-x) - e^x),
>  sech(x) == 2/(e^(-x) + e^x),
>  coth(x) == -(e^(-x) + e^x)/(e^(-x) - e^x)]
> However, we also have :
> sage: [u(x)==u(x)._sympy_().rewrite("log")._sage_()
> ....:  for u in (arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccsc, arcsec, arccot, arcsinh, 
> arccosh, arctanh, arccsch, arcsech, arccoth)]
> [arcsin(x) == -I*log(I*x + sqrt(-x^2 + 1)),
>  arccos(x) == 1/2*pi + I*log(I*x + sqrt(-x^2 + 1)),
>  arctan(x) == -1/2*I*log(I*x + 1) + 1/2*I*log(-I*x + 1),
>  arccsc(x) == -I*log(sqrt(-1/x^2 + 1) + I/x),
>  arcsec(x) == 1/2*pi + I*log(sqrt(-1/x^2 + 1) + I/x),
>  arccot(x) == -1/2*I*log(I/x + 1) + 1/2*I*log(-I/x + 1),
>  arcsinh(x) == log(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1)),
>  arccosh(x) == log(sqrt(x + 1)*sqrt(x - 1) + x),
>  arctanh(x) == 1/2*log(x + 1) - 1/2*log(-x + 1),
>  arccsch(x) == log(sqrt(1/x^2 + 1) + 1/x),
>  arcsech(x) == log(sqrt(1/x + 1)*sqrt(1/x - 1) + 1/x),
>  arccoth(x) == 1/2*log(1/x + 1) - 1/2*log(-1/x + 1)]
> Hence two questions :
>    - 
>    Is it worth implementing it (for the benefit of 
>    high-school/undergrads/engineering math) ?
>    - 
>    Should it be implemented by SR.exponentialize or by a distinct method 
>    ? (My preference is for the former, notwithstanding the apparent 
>    discrepancy in names…).
> Your advice is welcome.
> ​

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