> While I strongly support the shift to github, I also agree with Travis 
> that we should vote on a change this major, and give the community enough 
> time to weigh in.  I would also encourage people on both sides of the 
> debate to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  To those who have been 
> putting in a ton of work attempting to fix trac in recent weeks, our broken 
> infrastructure is both frustrating and gives a sense of urgency.  To those 
> who have spent over a decade using trac, the most recent iteration of this 
> discussion (starting four days ago) feels very rushed.

Well said on both counts.

> Consensus ?!  Hmm - consensus means that everyone is for. I don't think 
we will have it. So we can stop now, no?  I think a simple majority is a 
meaningful way to vote here. 
I think that's been the historical practice (recall the document William 
refers to in the Bernoulli # thread, which I think said something like at 
least 5 or 10 total votes + majority, though I also no longer know where it 
resides), but it probably wouldn't hurt to ask for a 2/3 majority to work 
against buyer's regret (see Saari's Basic Geometry of Voting for a nice 
historical example of this still in use) since that is as close to a "true" 
consensus we are likely to achieve here.  Or at least a 2/3 majority of 
"Yes" and "Won't oppose" combined, since I find myself in the latter camp - 
and I think with continued careful discussion of the technical challenges 
of keeping Trac alive combined with continued concrete proposals for how to 
most safely transition to GH (GL?) that won't be a problem to get.

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