On Sat, 2023-04-15 at 18:20 -0400, David Roe wrote:
> I agree with William that you should refrain from insulting the Sage
> developers, especially when the underlying problem comes from your
> misunderstanding of how floating point arithmetic works.

I was given this response many times, and I think it's condescending
(no offense). My favorite permabug:

  sage: A = matrix([[-3, 2, 1 ],
  ....:             [ 2,-4, 4 ],
  ....:             [ 1, 2,-5 ]])
  sage: B = (2 * 0.5 * A)
  sage: B == A
  sage: B.rank() == A.rank()

I promise you that I know what a floating point number is, and that
they aren't the problem. The problem is that reasonable expectations
are not met by the Sage user interface. It shouldn't be that easy to
get the computer to lie to me. An explanation is of course possible,
but only after the fact, and only with a level of knowledge about the
preprocessor that is beyond most users.

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