On Thu, 2023-04-20 at 20:37 +0100, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> > 
> > https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/28/23575919/microsoft-openai-github-dismiss-copilot-ai-copyright-lawsuit
> A cursory reading of this wish to dismiss the case sounds to me as the
> usual M$ chutzpah.
> Of course they want it gone, as it hurts their profits.

Sadly it's not. The American legal system isn't built for this. The
fact that they're clearly doing something illegal and that it's hurting
people isn't grounds for a third-party lawsuit. The victims can file
suits, but like Microsoft's lawyers said, the victims have to be able
to demonstrate injury. Then for a suit to be worthwhile, that injury
has to outweigh your legal fees. In practice this makes it legal for a
corporation to steal $1 from each of a billion people. See also: online
privacy violations; spam email.

Adding onto the pile in this scenario is how difficult it would be to
prove that *your* code was copied, considering that they've assimilated
most of the available copyrighted material on Earth and that the AI are
black boxes.

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