On 2023-06-15 18:08:35, 'Travis Scrimshaw' via sage-devel wrote:
> That is simply not true right now. The # optional sage.* doctests as a 
> user-visible change.

These tags aren't essential to the modularization itself. They're an
artifact of bad tests:

  * doctests are in general just a bad way to test functionality (I
    mean TESTS here, not EXAMPLES). Among their many other problems,
    they force us to set up a full interactive sage environment, using
    more parts of the sage library than would otherwise be necessary
    for the test in question.

  * For 20 years nobody has cared about writing tests that only test
    the thing they're supposed to test. If the tests in (for example)
    sage.categories tested only the code in sage.categories, then the
    module could be split without any #optional tags. But since those
    tests actually use code from all over the place, we have two options:

      1) Stop and rewrite all of those tests
      2) Declare them optional

    We should still rewrite the bad tests eventually, even with the
    #optional tags. For that reason, I read them as "#TODO: rewrite
    this bad test", which makes me hate them less.

Regardless, I am also sympathetic that this is yet another massive
complicated project that we've started without resolving any of the
other ongoing massive complicated projects. One definitely gets the
feeling that nothing ever gets easier around here. If we rewrote the
bad tests BEFORE modularization, that would ensure that our situation
was monotonically improving, without the local regression from the
introduction of the #optional tags.

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