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Dima Pasechnik schrieb am Dienstag, 27. Juni 2023 um 11:14:34 UTC+2:

> On Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 4:37 AM Maximilian Wittmann <> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > I am currently doing my masters thesis on the dimension of cartesian 
> products of posets and believe I have stumbled upon an alternative approach 
> to calculate the dimension, that performs better than the one in sage. (No 
> published results)
> >
> > C = posets.Crown(2)
> > C2 = C.product(C)
> >
> > %time order_dimension(C2, solver="kissat")
> > CPU times: user 96.1 ms, sys: 1e+03 ns, total: 96.1 ms
> > Wall time: 302 ms
> >
> > %time C2.dimension(solver="gurobi")
> > CPU times: user 2.33 s, sys: 28 ms, total: 2.36 s
> > Wall time: 2.19 s
> >
> > b = posets.BooleanLattice(5)
> > %time order_dimension(b, solver="kissat")
> > CPU times: user 1.13 s, sys: 12 ms, total: 1.14 s
> > Wall time: 1.46 s
> >
> > #gurobi did not finish, even after waiting a couple of minutes
> >
> > The idea is to reduce order dimension to SAT in the following way:
> >
> > Let P be an arbitrary poset.
> > A linear extension of P corresponds to some orientation of the 
> incomparable pairs of P, such that transitivity constraints are satisfied. 
> So introduce a new variable x_(a,b) for each incomparable pair (a, b), 
> where the order of a and b has been arbitrarliy fixed.
> >
> > We want x_p = true iff a < b in the linear extension and x_p = false iff 
> b < a. Now for each
> > (a, c) incomparable and each b introduce a new clause (not x_(a,b) v not 
> x_(b,c) v x_(a,b)), which directly corresponds to the transitivity 
> constraints. Of course (a,b) or (b,c) may be comparable already. In this 
> case we can just set x_(a,b) to true or false and correspondingly eliminate 
> the literal or clause.
> >
> > This formulation allows us to find one linear extension. Now to find a 
> realizer of size k, take k independent copies of above CNF-Formula and add 
> additional constraints to make sure that each incomparable pair appears in 
> both orientations at least once. I.e. clauses
> > (x_(a,b),1 v x_(a,b),1 v ... v x_(a,b),k) and (not x_(a,b),1 v not 
> x_(a,b),2 v ... v not x_(a,b), k) for each incomparable pair (a,b) where 
> x_(a,b),i denotes the i-th copy of that variable.
> >
> > This formula is satisfiable iff P has a realizer of size k.
> >
> > Here is a potential implementation of this:
> > def order_dimension(self: FinitePoset, solver=None, certificate=False):
> > if self.cardinality() == 0:
> > return (0, []) if certificate else 0
> > if self.is_chain():
> > return (1, [self.list()]) if certificate else 1
> >
> > # current bound on the chromatic number of the hypergraph
> > k = 2
> > # if a realizer is not needed, we can optimize a little
> > if not certificate:
> > # polynomial time check for dimension 2
> > from sage.graphs.comparability import greedy_is_comparability as 
> is_comparability
> > if 
> is_comparability(self._hasse_diagram.transitive_closure().to_undirected().complement()):
> > return 2
> > k = 3
> > # known upper bound for dimension
> > max_value = max(self.cardinality() // 2, self.width())
> >
> > p = Poset(self._hasse_diagram)
> > elements = p.list()
> >
> > #identify incomparable pairs with variables
> > inc_graph = p.incomparability_graph()
> > inc_pairs = inc_graph.edges(sort=True, labels=False)
> > n_inc = len(inc_pairs)
> > to_variables = dict((pair, i) for (i, pair) in enumerate(inc_pairs, 
> start=1))
> >
> >
> >
> > def get_var(a, b):
> > #gets the corresponding variable for one ordered incomparable pair
> > val = to_variables.get((a, b), None)
> > if not val is None:
> > return val
> >
> > val_flip = to_variables.get((b, a), None)
> > if not val_flip is None:
> > return -val_flip
> >
> > #return None if comparable
> > return None
> >
> > # generate the clauses to form a linear extension
> > clauses = []
> > for ((a,c), ac_var) in to_variables.items():
> > for b in elements:
> > new_clause = []
> >
> > ab_var = get_var(a, b)
> > if not ab_var is None:
> > new_clause.append(-ab_var)
> > elif (not p.is_less_than(a, b)):
> > continue
> >
> > bc_var = get_var(b, c)
> > if not bc_var is None:
> > new_clause.append(-bc_var)
> > elif (not p.is_less_than(b, c)):
> > continue
> >
> > new_clause.append(ac_var)
> > clauses.append(new_clause)
> >
> >
> > from sage.sat.solvers.satsolver import SAT
> > def build_sat(k):
> > sat = SAT(solver=solver)
> > #add clauses to find k linear extensions
> > for i in range(k):
> > modifier = i * n_inc
> > for clause in clauses:
> > new_clause = [var + sign(var)*modifier for var in clause]
> > sat.add_clause(new_clause)
> > #clauses to ensure that each incomparable pair appears in both orders
> > for var in range(1, n_inc+1):
> > sat.add_clause([var + i*n_inc for i in range(k)])
> > sat.add_clause([-var - i*n_inc for i in range(k)])
> > return sat
> >
> > while True:
> > #attempt to find realizer for each k if the upper bound is not reached
> > if not certificate and k == max_value:
> > return k
> >
> > sat = build_sat(k)
> > result = sat()
> > if result is not False:
> > break
> > k += 1
> >
> > #return the dimension
> > if not certificate:
> > return k
> >
> > #construct the realizer from the sat solution
> > diagram = p.hasse_diagram()
> > realizer = []
> > for i in range(k):
> > extension = diagram.copy()
> > for var in range(1, n_inc+1):
> > (a,b) = inc_pairs[var-1]
> > if result[var + i*n_inc]:
> > extension.add_edge(a, b)
> > else:
> > extension.add_edge(b, a)
> > realizer.append(extension.topological_sort())
> >
> > return (k, [[self._list[i] for i in l] for l in realizer])
> >
> > I'm not familiar with the contribution process yet, but I'll open a 
> github issue and see if I can figure things out if you think this is worth 
> it. Any Feedback is welcome!
> Looks very useful.
> Yes, please open an issue, and post a link to the issue here.
> >
> > --
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