On Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 04:20:21 UTC-4 Thierry Dumont wrote:

With PEP 703, Cpython will move (slowly) to a non GIL implementation, 
allowing true multi-threading. It will take time (-> 3.15) and will be 
optional at the beginning. See: 
Which consequences for the Python part of Sage ? Are there many parts 
which could be multi-threaded ? 

For each library used, we'll need to assess if it can operate in a 
thread-safe way and if it currently is used in a thread-safe way. 

There are some parts that will be fundamentally very hard to make 
multi-threaded: maxima through the ECL binary interface, for instance, will 
probably fundamentally be problematic. The design of maxima is rather 
fundamentally not multi-threaded, but even if you lock maxima to only run 
in one thread, there will be problems to let it operate in a multi-threaded 
process: ECL itself does support multi-threaded operation, but requires 
signal handling control (*particularly* when it's multi-threaded, because 
signals are used to coordinate critical sections garbage collection), so 
currently upon entry of ECL, it swaps the signal handlers and upon exit 
swaps them back. As far as I know, signal handlers are on process level; 
not thread-local. So I don't think we'll be able to allow multiple threads 
safely whenever ECL is entered. Perhaps the ECL people are willing to 
consider developing other designs that are more appropriate for supporting 
ECL as a library (it is "embedded common lisp" after all) in a 
multi-threaded environment or perhaps we can integrate ECL's signal 
handling requirements more closely with those of sagemath so that switching 
the handlers is no longer required.

Note that in sage it is very hard to predict which libraries get invoked 
when running high-level code, because operations may get dispatched 
depending on implementation details of objects (which, for instance, for 
finite fields, may depend on the field size!)

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