The real error from your log:

    sage/algebras/quatalg/quaternion_algebra_element.cpp:22735:3: error: 
'fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_mpz' is deprecated. Use 'fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz' 
      fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_mpz(__pyx_v_self->x, __pyx_v_self->x, 
    ///usr/local/include/flint/fmpz_poly.h:1263:34: note: expanded from 
macro 'fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_mpz'
    #define fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_mpz _Pragma("GCC error 
\"'fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_mpz' is deprecated. Use 'fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz' 
    <scratch space>:433:6: note: expanded from here
     GCC error "'fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_mpz' is deprecated. Use 
'fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz' instead."

Your config.log says that you are using flint from SPKG. Above refers to a 
FLINT installation in /usr/local, likely incompatible FLINT 3. Best to 
uninstall that

On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 2:46:18 PM UTC-8 David Roe wrote:

> I'm trying to build Sage 10.2.rc4 on MacOS 13.3.1 and have been running 
> into multiple errors, some possibly due to Apple upgrading my OS when my 
> laptop went in for repair.  I've managed to get past all of Sage's 
> dependencies, and am currently stuck on an error in sagelib:
> g++ -std=gnu++11 -std=gnu++11 -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -isysroot 
> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX13.sdk 
> -L/Users/roed/sage/sage-10.2.rc4/local/lib -Wl,-rpath, 
> .... -L/Users/roed/sage/sage-10.2.rc4/local/lib -lflint -lgmp -lSingular 
> -lpolys -lflint -lmpfr -lgmp -lfactory -lflint -lmpfr -lgmp -lntl -lgmp 
> -lomalloc -lsingular_resources -lgsl -lopenblas -lm -o 
> build/lib.macosx-13-x86_64-cpython-311/sage/symbolic/
> -lpari
> error: command '/Users/roed/sage/sage-10.2.rc4/local/libexec/ccache/gcc' 
> failed with exit code 1
> (see config.log <> and 
> sagelib-10.2.rc4.log <> for 
> more details)
> Previously, I did
> xcode-select --install
> sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
> brew install gcc
> to get past a build error in scipy 
> <>
> ../ ERROR: Compiler gfortran cannot compile programs.
> I noticed that this is the first g++ call after a bunch of gcc calls, but 
> it doesn't seem to be the first g++ call overall.  Any ideas?
> David

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