Hi all,

allow me drop some thoughts and step into the silence:

I am not a developer but >>only<< a mathematician, but am following this list 
for quite some time.
Mostly, I have only time to skim-read this list, but it is indeed an important 
source of information for me. I nearly never take part in discussions or polls 
since I don't have enough time to read all the mails in detail, do some 
research (to fill the gaps of my missing developer knowledge) and then make a 
decision/write something -- and by doing so -- not be silent.

I am very thankful for ALL people who invest time into this awesome software 
that I use nearly every day for free.

For me it is really sad that -- afaik -- two of those persons that invest so 
much time into this project (Dima and Matthias) have so many differences, 
mainly on a personal level, it seems to me.

But there are also other people whose posts felt like quite some bad vibrations.

As a not so young woman in tech, I am used to such ... problems.

I would suggest a meeting in person, with enough time, with a good mediator. 
Those differences need to be spoken out and worked on. 100 E-Mails per day will 
not untangle the knot, imho.

And, btw, none of all the e-mails made me feel uncomfortable, just sad.

Best wishes,

Doris Behrendt

> On 11. Apr 2024, at 22:50, Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Trigger Warning: In this post, I will discuss topics that can make some 
> people uncomfortable; in particular readers who have themselves been the 
> target of abuse, bullying, and disrespect in the past. (I apologize if I have 
> omitted this Trigger Warning in previous posts that touched these topics.)
> My previous post in the series: 
> https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/OeN8o14s6Jc/m/ChnpijP3AgAJ, titled 
> "I: How we talk about past, current, future contributions" appeared over a 
> month ago.
> Unfortunately, this post has been met with a complete silence. I argue that 
> this is but one symptom of a disease of our Sage community: The community has 
> been severely damaged by toxicity, not just by the most recent excesses but 
> already over a much longer term. Possible other symptoms: 
> (1) The lack of visible diversity in our community. 
> (2) Silence when harmful conduct is happening in plain sight. 
> (3) The disengagement from matters of community, governance, leadership.
> I argue that we need active long-term steps to rebuild a healthy, inclusive 
> community.
> Rebuilding our community has to be rooted in consideration for the weakest in 
> our community, the voices that have already disappeared from our community, 
> and for the targets of abuse, bullying, and disrespect.
> The question that we need to ask is: What is necessary so that they feel 
> comfortable and empowered to participate?
> I argue that it has to start with
> - recognizing and acknowledging the existence and the asymmetric nature of 
> abuse, bullying, and disrespect,
> - understanding the specific damage that all of these do on individuals 
> (hint: targets of abuse do not just get "upset") and on our community,
> - learning about the techniques and mechanisms of abusers and abuse (for 
> example: keeping plausible deniability and "playing the victim" are 
> well-known parts of the tool set of abusers),
> - affirming as a community the goal of building an inclusive community in 
> which abuse, bullying, aggression, disrespect, harassment are shunned.
> What is counterproductive:
> - Euphemisms such as describing abusive comments as a "heated discussion".
> - Well-meaning advice to targets of abuse to take a break.
> - Giving abusers the benefit of the doubt.
> - Reprimanding targets of abuse for calling out abuse.
> - Both-siding bullying with anti-bullying activism.
> Matthias
> -- 
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