On Sat, 2024-04-20 at 15:01 -0700, kcrisman wrote:
> Can someone who is not Dima or Matthias explain to us how it is possible 
> that they both are claiming to represent the normal Python way of doing 
> things?  There have been numerous statements by both of them about this, 
> which makes it sound like there are two pieces to it (modularization but 
> also "de-vendoring"), and I can only assume that it would be possible for 
> both to occur simultaneously.

It is, but in its current incarnation, the modularization relies
heavily on the sage distribution vendoring. Conflict arises because the
modularization is cited as a blocker whenever someone wants to pare
down or disentangle some aspect of the sage distribution. It's not the
modularization per se that we object to. Personally, I would like it to
succeed, but not at the expense of everything else.

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