On Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 07:04:18 UTC-7 dim...@gmail.com wrote:

that's the legacy of developing software in a platform-independent 
machine assembly language 
known as C or C++, or Fortran :-) 
Then, as we know, Greenspun's tenth rule states that: 

Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, 
informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of 
Common Lisp. 

That's not actually the kind of bug I was thinking of. The memory leaks 
that have been particularly hard to find in sage were on python/cython 
level, which are generally memory-safe languages. They are about how to 
handle the essentially global data structure that arises from the coercion 

For instance, if you'd store on ZZ the coercion maps to any ring in the 
normal way, every ring now has a reference from an object that will never 
be garbage collected (ZZ) and hence will not be eligible for collection 
either. Sage doesn't do that, of course, but the coercion graph does need 
to hold this information somehow. Doing that in a way that still allows 
parts to be pruned once some objects are not referenced very much anymore 
is truly a delicate problem. The globally unique "UniqueParent"s are 
another example of such a hard-to-manage global data structure, where 
garbage removal is very delicate. From python's (or common lisp's) 
perspective these wouldn't be memory leaks: they are just globally 
accessible structures ineligible for collection.

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