On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Carl Witty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'd like to reopen discussion of #2781, "bool() for SymbolicEquation
>  should raise an error when it doesn't know the answer".  Jason created
>  a prototype patch to implement this, but gave up on it and closed the
>  ticket when he was convinced that "this is not pythonic".
>  I like the "raise an exception" behavior, because it would eliminate
>  questions asking why form1 and form2 below are different (from this
>  sage-support thread 
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support/browse_thread/thread/79d0d6d94cfe9526#).
>  (I have seen this exact problem at least twice on sage-support.)  What
>  do you think?

I like bool(x>0) to be False by default if the answer is not known.
mhansen raised this great point that we rely so much on things like :
if (condition on x):
  do something

that it would be cumbersome to surround this statement with a try,catch block.

I'm only opposing this because it is unpythonic but I don't see any
reason not to define methods that have the same functionality for
SymbolicEquation but *can* raise an exception when appropriate.


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