On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Alex Ghitza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hash: SHA1
>  Hi,
>  There are some inconsistencies in linear algebra over fields like CDF.
>  Some trouble was already reported in #2256.  The following is another issue:
>  sage: M = matrix(CDF, 2, 2, [(-1 - 2*I, 5 - 6*I), (-2 - 4*I, 10 - 12*I)])
>  sage: M.is_invertible()
>  True
>  sage: M.determinant()
>  5.3290705182e-15 + 1.7763568394e-15*I
>  sage: M.inverse()
>  [ 1.01330991616e+15 - 2.58956978574e+15*I -5.06654958079e+14 +
>  1.29478489287e+15*I]
>  [ 5.62949953421e+14 + 5.62949953421e+14*I -2.81474976711e+14 -
>  2.81474976711e+14*I]
>  So because of roundoff errors, Sage thinks that we have an invertible
>  matrix.  But the code for echelon_form knows that it's not invertible:
>  sage: M.echelon_form()
>  [                                    1.0                             1.4
>  + 3.2*I]
>  [-2.22044604925e-16 - 4.4408920985e-16*I
>  ~       0]
>  sage: M.rank()
>  1
>  This behavior is inconsistent.  Either there is enough precision to
>  decide that the matrix is invertible, or there isn't.  Doing this in two
>  different ways should not yield two mutually exclusive answers.
>  Similar problems occur over CC.
>  I hope it's clear by now that I have no idea how CDF and friends
>  actually work, so I don't know what would be a good solution or even
>  whether such a solution should exist.  My initial guess would be that
>  finding the determinant requires more computations so there is more
>  precision loss than in computing the echelon form; in that case, maybe
>  over such fields we should not base is_invertible() and inverse() on
>  determinant() but rather on echelon_form().

This is now #2932: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/2932:

Just looking at the value of M.rank() should be enough, I think. Also,
M.rank() seems much faster than computing the determinant:
sage: M = matrix(CDF, 2, 2, [(-1 - 2*I, 5 - 6*I), (-2 - 4*I, 10 - 12*I)])
sage: %timeit M.rank()
1000000 loops, best of 3: 676 ns per loop
sage: %timeit M.det()
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.81 µs per loop

Timings are comparable over ZZ,QQ,RR.


>  Note also that this problem does not seem to occur over RR or RDF.
>  Best,
>  Alex
>  - --
>  Alexandru Ghitza
>  Assistant Professor
>  Department of Mathematics
>  Colby College
>  Waterville, ME 04901
>  http://bayes.colby.edu/~ghitza/
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