On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Kiran Kedlaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Is the strategy to work multimodularly using completely split primes?
>  Or does someone have a better idea?

Here's an IRC chat:

12:17 < wstein> btw, I thought a bit about cyclotomic linear algebra.
12:17 < craigcitro> so do you have a game plan for the linear algebra
over cyclotomic fields?
12:17 < wstein> One basically problem is solving A*X = B.
12:17 < craigcitro> haha we typed that at exactly the same time
12:17 < wstein> One can reduce a lot of things to this, including some
cases of echelon form.
12:17 < wstein> :-)
12:17 < wstein> I thought of and implemented a toy version of a p-adic
algorithm to solve the above.
12:18 < wstein> Here's the idea.
12:18 < craigcitro> k
12:18 < wstein> 1. Choose a prime p that splits completely in Q(zeta_n).
12:18 < wstein> 2. Using that prime, view A as a matrix with entries in Q_p.
12:18 < wstein> 3. Using Dixon p-adic lifting solve A_p * X = B_p
p-adically to some precision.
12:18 -!- Roed [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #sage-devel
12:19 < wstein> I think 3 can be done by hacking on the IML source code some.
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12:19 < craigcitro> cool. i haven't looked at IML at all ...
12:19 < wstein> 4. Using LLL go from a p-adic solution to A_p * X_p =
B_p to a rational solution
12:19 < wstein> to A*X = B.
12:19 < wstein> All of the above definitely works.
12:19 < wstein> The question is making it fast.
12:19 < craigcitro> nod
12:19 < wstein> It took me a little while to remember how to use LLL for step 4.
12:20 < wstein> But all you do is embed the powers of zeta_n in Q_p.
12:20 < wstein> Then you make a matrix that is basically the identity
matrix with the powers of zeta_n
12:20 < wstein> reduced mod p^m as the last column.
12:20 < wstein> Finally the very bottom-right entry is an entry of X_p.
12:20 < wstein> Then you LLL reduce that matrix, and from the result
12:21 < wstein> you can read of the best element of Q(zeta_n) that
approximates that element of X_p,
12:21 < wstein> with high probability.
12:21 < wstein> At the end you double-check the answer, if proof=True.
12:21 < wstein> So we will also need fast matrix multiplication, which
is just CRT.
12:21 < wstein> (and doing it over a finite field)
12:21 < wstein> Using Clements FFLASS.
12:22 < wstein> There is also an obvious multimodular echelon
algorithm, but I'm *not* convinced
12:22 < wstein> it is a good idea.
12:22 < craigcitro> hm
12:22 < wstein> Often p-adic algorithms are a bit better -especially
in practice- than multimodular algorithms.
12:22 < robertwb> the p-adic method beats out multimodular for QQ, right?
12:22 < wstein> In a lot of cases, yes.
12:22 < robertwb> (for echelon)
12:23 < wstein> The issue is that the answers are *huge*, so with
multimodular you have to
12:23 < wstein> work modulo a lot of primes.
12:23 < wstein> The shape of the matrix is also relevant.
12:24 < robertwb> and with padic lifting, the lifting p^n -> p^(n+1)
is computationally easier than doing a new prime, right?
12:24 -!- Roed [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #sage-devel
12:24 < wstein> Yes, it's basically just one matrix vector multiply over F_p.
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12:24 < wstein> That's O(n^2).
12:24 < wstein> But echelon modulo a new prime is O(n^omega).


Note also -- there is a masters thesis by somebody from SFU on
cyclotomic linear algebra.


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