On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 1:19 PM, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On May 3, 7:14 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 12:55 PM, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  <SNIP>
>  Hi David,
>  > >  Can you post a link to the build log? This is very likely related to
>  > >  pbuild's different linker flags. We should be able to hunt this down
>  > >  since we will hopefully switch to pbuild sooner rather than later.
>  >
>  > I killed the job since it seemed to be repeating very similar errors
>  > for each of the files. Hopefully, what is there will 
> help:http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/wdj/patches/test.log
>  >
>  You must have misread. I asked for the build log, i.e. install.log ;).
>  I know what is wrong, I just don't know why yet.

Sorry. Here it is
(or will be in a few minutes - it's still uploading).

>  Cheers,
>  Michael
>  >

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