Hi all,

The following should be of interest to many SAGE developers.


Quietly for the past couple of months, a group of developers has been
working towards a new version of GMP which can be used in SAGE and
related projects.

Q. Why wasn't I told about this?

A. We've been gradually adding interested individuals to the
development list:


Now that we have a core of interested people and the project looks
viable, we are ready to have everyone on board.

Q. What is it called?

A. It's called mpir (multi precision integers and rationals), see


Q. What do you mean by "better" than GMP.

A. There is no hard and fast answer to that question. Read the list
for some suggestions. One of the answers is that it will be better
SAGE, but there are many concrete suggestions for how mpir can be
better, such as better support for arrays of multiprecision integers,
multithreaded support, better vendor support. Some more ways that it
will be better are discussed below.

Q. What license will it have?

A. GPL v2 or above. This means that we are forking the last LGPL v2+
version of GMP, i.e. GMP 4.2.1. This licensing strategy is better for
SAGE and other projects under GPL v2. As of version 4.2.2 of GMP the
license became LGPL v3 which was a big problem for those projects.

Q. What does Torbjorn Granlund (the GMP maintainer) think about this?

A. Not sure. Torbjorn has worked really, really hard on GMP, and the
code is terrifically tightly coded. GMP only exists because of him.
is his project. But we find it hard to use GMP because of license
issues with the LGPL v3, because certain patches we want are
incompatible with GMP, and because we have directions in mind for
which aren't really compatible with the current directions of that
project (towards GMP 5). But I do know that Torbjorn said to me
personally that he has no problem with people ripping code out of GMP
and using it elsewhere. He fully supports principles of open source
like this, and creating derivative works is one of those principles.
We have hopes of excellent scientific relations with Torbjorn and his

Q. What does the new version do already?

A. We haven't actually done a whole lot of work yet, just a lot of
planning! Actually all we did so far is copy in Core 2 patches and
64 patches, which currently don't build, fix some c99 issues and
some documentation (in the doc/devel directory) in an attempt to
better understand how GMP currently works, e.g. what all the
undocumented macros do.

Q. Who is in charge of this project?

A. Development is completely open, so there is no one person in
of this project. Currently Bill Hart and Jason Martin seem to be
working together on some stuff. Michael Abshoff is in charge of
release management and public relations. William Stein is putting his
considerable weight behind the project and
is in charge of getting us access to some really fantastic hardware
do build testing on.

Q. What are the plans for mpir?

A. Read the list. Most of what is there is later contradicted, but
here is a vague summary of the outcome of various discussions:

1) Get Jason Martin's Core 2 patches building as part of the build
procedure (no hacks allowed).

2) Get Pierrick Gaudry's AMD 64 patches building as part of the build
procedure (no hacks allowed).

3) Remove some of the Cray and x86 hacks from header files like gmp.h
where they don't belong.

4) Write a new simplified build system (no autoconf allowed). Bill
Hart is currently working on this. The old build system will be
retained, but will only build the legacy code. Eventually more
architectures will be migrated to the new build system.

5) Rewrite the x86 assembly to use NASM (possibly FASM, but there is
bootstrapping issue with the source code for that, NASM is written in
C, so no bootstrapping problems there).

6) Get rid of M4 as the macro language on all migrated architectures,
use assemblers native to those machines.

7) Rewrite assembly support for other machines and add assembly
support for new architectures.

8) Write a new mpir_n module to replace the old mpn module. The old
mpn module will be retained for legacy architectures and the new
mpir_n module will promise to supply macros which provide all the old
mpn interface. Basically mpir must be interface compatible with the
old GMP to as great an extent as
possible.  Jason Martin has expressed and interest in working on

9) Rewrite the generic C mpn functions to use the new mpir_n
where necessary. The old generic mpn functions will be retained.

10) Start adding code for parallel functionality. Modules will be
called blah-mt. There can be parallel functions at the mpir_n and the
mpz level.  Jason Martin and Bill Hart are keen to work on this at
some point.

11)  There will be a new fmpz module in GMP. It will be for arrays of
multiprecision integers. Please see the extensive list conversations
about this. It is also much more efficient for integers of at most 62
bits (or 30 bits on a 32 bit machine). The functions in the mpz
will be split into core functions and wrappers.

The core functions will be used by both the mpz wrappers (which will
provide the original mpz functionality) and the new fmpz wrappers to
provide the fmpz functions. Bill Hart has written proof of principle
code for fmpz as a concept and will soon begin working on putting it
into mpir. Talk to him if you are interested in this.

Q. How do I contribute?

A. Please sign up to the development list. Make a proposal to the
list, ask for people to help, then be prepared to take charge of
implementing your idea. If you would like to contributed to one of
existing objectives, contact the people working on those ideas.

All code should be released under the "GPL v2 or at your option any
later version".

You do not need to sign your copyright over to the Free Software
Foundation or any other organisation. You retain the copyright to

Q. What principles guide mpir development?

A. Here are some:

1) Coding should be very tight. GMP is incredibly carefully coded,
most functions not wasting a single cycle. We should follow suit.

2) Speed regressions are not allowed. We have not got a decent
profiling mechanism yet, so for the time being we are just testing
code tirelessly to make sure it is not slower than vanilla GMP. This
is very important when it comes to the many architectures GMP uses
(and frankly a very hard thing to do).

3) Test code must do randomised testing of many, many random inputs,
using the sparse integer random functions where possible and must
every *branch* of your function multiple times in a standard test

4) Documentation should always be up-to-date. This consists of three
  a) in-code commenting of any algorithms used and where appropriate,
papers referred to. Any special performance hacks should be commented
in place.
  b) User documentation. If your function is visible to a user, the
mpir user manual needs a section describing exactly what your
  c) Developer documentation. If your function should be used by mpir
developers, documentation should be written for them and placed in
doc/devel directory. Text format should be fine, so long as the file
is labelled in an appropriate way. The developer documentation should
give hints as to your general strategy, and what you'd put in user
documentation if the function were visible to the user.

No function will make it into a release of mpir unless it has been
documented, performance tested, test code is written for it and
and it has been build tested on all relevant supported platforms. The
reason for this is that we want mpir to be used by lots of other
projects and they want to know it is as reliable and fast as GMP.

Q. Where can I get it?

A. Currently if you type:

svn co http://flint.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/flint/mpir-1.0.0

you will get a copy from the repository. The repository may be moved
later. Although the fmpz module was an outgrowth of the FLINT
there is no other connection with FLINT. It's just a convenient place
to put the repo for now.

This version should compile, but it is not a release version. As soon
as we move to a release, it'll be available on the webpage. At that
time we'll move the code to mpir-trunk in the repository and that
be the default place to get the development code.

We hope to make a conservative first release quite soon. Writing a
simplified build system is the main obstacle. Any volunteers? We think
a python build system may be better, where available.

Q. What about Apple and Microsoft support?

A. We want to support Apple's XCode and Microsoft's MSVC as first
class citizens and are willing to work around linker/compiler issues
to a reasonable extent. Watch the list for further discussion of

Q. What is the relationship with SAGE?

A. Some of the same people. It'll be used by SAGE. Some companies
interested in funding SAGE ports see it as part of SAGE. It developed
as a spinoff of the SAGE project.

Q. But what if I'm not a SAGE developer?

A. Great! Welcome.

Q. What if I am a SAGE developer?

A. Great! Welcome.

Q. What is the voting policy.

A. Currently, post your suggestion to the list. If anyone is
enough about what you propose, they'll let you know. If not, after a
couple of days, you can assume everyone who cares has had their say.
Provided there weren't serious objections, you can assume it is safe
to proceed. Later when there
are more developers, the procedure will be formalised.
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