> > It'll run the experiment 17 times (17 for no particular reason) and
> > return the median runtime. -n is the size and -c the cutoff.

> Median?  Shouldn't you take the minimum?  Are there any good papers
> on benchmarking?

I'm using cpucycles from:


which advises:


Notes on accuracy

Benchmarking tools are encouraged to record several timings of a function: 
call cpucycles(), function(), cpucycles(), function(), etc., and then print 
one line reporting the differences between successive cpucycles() results. 
The median of several differences is much more stable than the average. 

Cycle counts continue to increase while other programs are running, while the 
operating system is handling an interruption such as a network packet, etc. 
This won't affect the median of several timings of a fast function---the 
function usually won't be interrupted---but it can affect the median of 
several timings of a slow function. Hopefully a benchmarking machine isn't 
running other programs. 

On dual-CPU systems (and dual-core systems such as the Athlon 64 X2), the CPUs 
often don't have synchronized cycle counters, so a process that switches CPUs 
can have its cycle counts jump forwards or backwards. I've never seen this 
affect the median of several timings. 

Some CPUs dynamically reduce CPU speed to save power, but deliberately keep 
their cycle counters running at full speed, the idea being that measuring 
time is more important than measuring cycles. Hopefully a benchmarking 
machine won't enter power-saving mode. 

Cycle counts are occasionally off by a multiple of 2^32 on some CPUs, as 
discussed below. I've never seen this affect the median of several timings. 

The estimate returned by cpucycles_persecond() may improve accuracy after 
cpucycles() has been called repeatedly. 


I just followed that. I guess if one takes the minimum or not depends on the 
data. If there are (much) easier cases then it is probably not best to take 
the minimum. However, I guess for matrix multiplication the times don't 
really depend on the entries of the matrices so I could use the minimum or 
just output all (minimum, average, median).

> By the way -- present for you:
>       http://m4ri.sagemath.org/
> To update that page you have to ssh to sagemath.org.

Cool, thanks! Any chance that I could get write access to the home directory 
so that I can upload my SSH public key?


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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