I sent a note to boothby, asking that he forward it to sage-devel if
my cc didn't work, which it didn't. But he didn't forward it. That's
ok, I guess.
In the unlikely event that you want to read the whole back-and-forth,
please contact me or Tom.

But there is one point that I think is worth discussing, and that is
Tom's contention, not entirely novel, that the reason for open-
source :.  "It's about proof; you can't prove a result with
Mathematica, since one can't readily inspect the source."

my reply, which you may chew on...

You assume that seeing the source code is either necessary or
sufficient for a proof. Can you prove that?

 Read the paper by Demillon,Lipson, Perlis,  about proofs and social

How do you know that a program written in python, is correct unless
you prove the compiler/interpreter is correct, the hardware it runs on
is correct down to the gate level, there are no hardware glitches, the
memory is proved, etc. And why would you, a human believe the proof if
it were written down on 2,000,000 pages?
And since your system has components in other languages like C, and
Lisp, and is compiled on various different compilers, on various
different computers, you would have to redo all the proofs for each
environment.  And when the C compiler was updated, or a new Pentium
came out, prove it again.

I recall stories that claimed, a few decades ago, big integer
arithmetic software testing programs were used to find hardware bugs
in supercomputers. And you know about the intel divide bug fiasco.

a citation for demillo etal


the abstract:
 It is argued that formal verifications of programs, no matter how
obtained, will not play the same key role in the development of
computer science and software engineering as proofs do in mathematics.
Furthermore the absence of continuity, the inevitability of change,
and the complexity of specification of significantly many real
programs make the formal verification process difficult to justify and
manage. It is felt that ease of formal verification should not
dominate program language design.

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