> (hopefully with help from John Voight), and "Lie Algebras/Algebraic
> Groups" as a new package.  For this last one I know that there are
> several freely available packages (e.g. LIE), but I'm not sure if they
> are actively maintained.

Lie Algebras/Algebraic groups as a new package ... many of the things
LiE does can now be done natively in Sage.

I'll take this as a cue to advertise the fact that Sage now (as of
3.0.2) has nontrivial capability for Lie group/Lie algebra computations
including computation of Weyl characters, weight multiplicities, tensor
products and branching rules for characters, conjugation of roots and
weights by Weyl group elements.

For example, we can create the spin representation of Spin(7):

sage: B3=WeylCharacterRing(['B',3])
sage: spin=B3(B3.lattice().fundamental_weights()[2]); spin

Tensor it with itself and see how that decomposes into

sage: spin*spin
B3(0,0,0) + B3(1,0,0) + B3(1,1,0) + B3(1,1,1)

Get the decomposition of that into weights:

sage: b3=WeightRing(B3)
sage: b3(spin*spin)
b3(-1,-1,-1) + 2*b3(-1,-1,0) + b3(-1,-1,1) + 2*b3(-1,0,-1) +
4*b3(-1,0,0) + 2*b3(-1,0,1) + b3(-1,1,-1) + 2*b3(-1,1,0) + b3(-1,1,1) +
2*b3(0,-1,-1) + 4*b3(0,-1,0) + 2*b3(0,-1,1) + 4*b3(0,0,-1) +
8*b3(0,0,0) + 4*b3(0,0,1) + 2*b3(0,1,-1) + 4*b3(0,1,0) + 2*b3(0,1,1) +
b3(1,-1,-1) + 2*b3(1,-1,0) + b3(1,-1,1) + 2*b3(1,0,-1) + 4*b3(1,0,0) +
2*b3(1,0,1) + b3(1,1,-1) + 2*b3(1,1,0) + b3(1,1,1)

Restrict it to GL(3) embedded as a Levi subgroup in Spin(7):

sage: (spin*spin).branch(A2,rule="levi")
A2(-1,-1,-1) + 2*A2(0,-1,-1) + 3*A2(0,0,-1) + 4*A2(0,0,0) + A2(1,-1,-1)
+ 2*A2(1,0,-1) + 3*A2(1,0,0) + A2(1,1,-1) + 2*A2(1,1,0) + A2(1,1,1)

Conjugate weights around using the Weyl group:

sage: W = B3.lattice().weyl_group()
sage: [s1,s2,s3]=W.simple_reflections()
sage: s1*s2*s3

[ 0  0 -1]
[ 1  0  0]
[ 0  1  0]
sage: b3(1/2,1/2,1/2).weyl_group_action(s1*s2*s3)


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