Apparently the problem here (what I should have thought of first) is
that the directory containing is not in my sage python path.
The surprising (to me) part, and the reason I didn't think of it, is
that this breaks things even if  the file I'm testing is and I
try 'from foo import *'.  So it seems the only remedy (for now, since
I understand SAGE overrides my PYTHONPATH variable) is something like

    sage: import sys
    sage: mypath= '/mydir/'
    sage: if mypath not in sys.path: sys.path.append(mypath)

where /mydir/ is the path to  This works, but doesn't seem
like a good solution, and is, I think, another good reason to allow
the user to modify sage's startup pythonpath.


On Aug 30, 8:32 pm, David Ketcheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for not being clear. is the file with the docstring
> examples I want to test. is the file with the modules I need
> to import.
> Let me add that sometimes they're the same file, and it doesn't work
> in that case either.
> On Aug 30, 8:08 pm, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Aug 30, 2008, at 3:33 PM, David Ketcheson wrote:
> > > I'm developing a package and trying to use sage -t to automatically
> > > test examples I've put in the docstrings.  On the documentation page
> > > at I can do
> > > something like
> > > """
> > >     EXAMPLES:
> > >         sage: from foo import *
> > > """
> > > where foo is not part of Sage.  However, supposing the above is in the
> > > file, if I type
> > > sage -t
> > > I get the error
> > > **********************************************************************
> > > File "/Applications/sage/tmp/", line 8:
> > >     sage: from foo import *
> > > Exception raised:
> > >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >       File "/Applications/sage/local/lib/python/", line
> > > 1228, in __run
> > >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> > >       File "<doctest __main__.example_0[1]>", line 1, in <module>
> > >         from foo import *###line 8:
> > >     sage: from foo import *
> > >     ImportError: No module named foo
> > > **********************************************************************
> > > Also, the documentation says a .doctest directory is created and has a
> > > file that I can inspect, but I cannot find any such
> > > thing.  I'd be very grateful for any help.
> > If you file is named, you have to do "from myfoo imoprt *"
> > - Robert
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