On Sep 2, 8:52 am, kcrisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Karl-Dieter,

> We are running a VMWare server for fall classes.  However, we have run
> into the disturbing problem that if we want to use a newer version of
> Sage (such as to get the plotting improvements), we would need to
> (quoting William in the earlier version of this thread) "upload them
> tediously one by one."  This basically means we can't upgrade Sage in
> the middle of the semester if even a few students decide to use Sage,
> and we are hoping for a score or two or them to do so.  Also, will the
> user info migrate, or would they have to be readded?

I am not sure, but the management aspect of the notebook is certainly
not even close to where it should be.

> One thing the admin has tried is copying old worksheets into different
> possible directories, just as a crazy thing to do, for instance 
> givenhttp://groups.google.com/group/sage-support/browse_thread/thread/ef2d...
> . Now,http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tut/node45.htmlmakes it clear
> where the worksheet pages are supposed to live.  But today I verified
> that the version of at least one of my worksheets that in fact shows
> up in the browser lives in ~/sage_notebook/worksheets/admin , while
> others definitely live in ~/.sage/sage_notebook/worksheets/admin .  It
> isn't a case of a reference, either, because there is an older version
> of the first worksheet in the .sage directory, while in the other case
> the worksheet *only* exists in the .sage/ directory.  So now I am
> unsure whether I should even try to move my own worksheets around on
> my personal computer!
> I would love to try to fix this but unfortunately know nothing about
> these issues, and our admin is not likely to try to fix the code.  Is
> there any sense (on support or devel) of whether either of these
> things might be resolved soon (or in the second case, if it's even
> been noticed before - I haven't seen it in a fairly exhaustive sage-
> support search)?  We would obviously prefer if yes, but even if not,
> then at least we can prepare for this properly and not send students
> on wild goose chases for their data.

The problem is covered by #2740 and maybe even #682.

Timothy: Can you guess how much work this would be or what exactly
would need to be done?

> Thanks much.
> - kcrisman


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