Perhaps a trivial contribution, but I would like to give primes ideals
"human-readable" names such as P2a,P2b,.. for primes above 2, etc;  so
then when I print a factorizaed idea I see something like

I suppose this idea would apply to other complicated structures too.


2008/9/4 Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sep 3, 2008, at 5:25 PM, Nick Alexander wrote:
>> Hi sage-devel,
>> At this time, Sage prints number field ideals in two-generator form.
>> There are good reasons for this, perhaps most notably that this is a
>> normal form best suited for visual inspection.
>> For most of the things I do, I don't care exactly what ideal I have: I
>> would be perfectly happy to know I had just some ideal I of norm N of
>> a number field K.  In particular, I want to calculate in the residue
>> field K/I; the actual ideal counts very little; the norm N and the map
>> from K -> K/I count a lot.
>> This would all be fine, except... number field ideals hash to the hash
>> of their string representation.  And the string representation
>> computes a two-generator form, and computing two-generator forms is
>> slow.  *Excruciatingly slow*.  So just to construct K/I, which hashes
>> the ideal I into its unique key, takes me minutes if not hours.
>> So I'd like opinions on two things:
>> 1) changing the printing of number field ideals, and
> I think this is a good idea, I've avoided printing out number field
> ideals for this exact reason.
>> 2) changing the hash key of a residue field K/I to not reference I
>> directly, but instead the map K -> K/I.
> +1 For sure. As long as hashing respects equality, lets make it as
> fast as we can.
>> I haven't thought about this for a long time, but it basically works:
>> I have a hacked version of a few functions that tries to avoid hashing
>> and changes the relevant __repr__s, and so far it works.  This is the
>> difference between not being able to reduce curves defined over number
>> fields of degree 40 to easily reducing at dozens of primes.  Thoughts,
>> please?
> Also, I wonder how much of the number field arithmetic can be sped up
> using Sage's much faster HNF rather than pari's.
> - Robert
> >

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