On Sep 14, 8:41 pm, Justin Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 14, 2008, at 9:48 PM, mabshoff wrote:


> > Ok, this is not Maxima, but very likely Sage picking up a libpng.dylib
> > from eithe Fink or MacPorts. Moving those two out of the way (or
> > DYLD_LIBRAY_PATH) should potentially fix this issue.
> I have libpng.dylib in /opt and /usr/X11.  Doesn't Sage protect itself  
> against these interlopers?

It should, but some times the linker picks up libs from odd places.
EIther way, 3.1.2 will warn you about Fink and MacPorts being present
on OSX, but we will deal with such build issues  that you saw and
hopefully get them resolved in the not too distant future.

> Justin



> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
> Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
> -----------
> If it weren't for carbon-14, I wouldn't date at all.
> -----------
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