Hi guys,

The present discussion was precipitated by my submission of the  
zn_poly 0.9 spkg, which included some modifications to the makefile  
suggested by Tim, specifically the library versioning stuff.

I still don't totally understand what's going on, but the ensuing  
discussion has been very illuminating (thanks everyone!)

I think from my point of view the crux of the matter is this exchange:

On Sep 28, 2008, at 1:25 PM, mabshoff wrote:

> On Sep 27, 8:50 am, Tim Abbott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> But no binary Linux distribution can distribute the Sage
>> dependencies unless they do proper library versioning.
> Sure, but that is not the problem I need to solve :)

So, in other words, it's useful for the purposes of Debian packaging  
for me to do proper library versioning, at least as far as indicating  
when interfaces change. On the other hand, Michael doesn't think  
versioning is important for Sage, and he points out that the method  
suggested by Tim is GNU-specific, whereas I don't want zn_poly to be  
GNU-specific (as far as I can help it).

But at the end of the day, as long as I provide the versioning  
information, both Sage and Debian can trivially patch the makefile to  
make it work how they want. I think I know enough about the Sage  
build system to be able to handle this myself for the spkg (with  
occasional guidance from mabshoff).

So my question becomes: how do I provide versioning information in a  
non-GNU-specific way? I guess if I can do this then I can make  
everyone happy.


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