On Oct 9, 2008, at 12:46 , Georg S. Weber wrote:

> Hi,
> that is very strange, since I cannot confirm the findings of Justin on
> my Intel (Core 2 Duo) Mac OS X 10.4.11 / XCode 2.5 machine.
> (Those "missing libpar-gmp.dylib" messages come up on Mac OS since
> quite some time, already Sage 2.9.2 has them, they did no harm to my
> builds so far).

They don't show up in any of my 10.5 builds, but as you say, for 10.4,  
they seem to be consistently present (from roughly 2.8.7 on).  That's  
a minor mystery.

> @Justin:
> Which version of Xcode do you use on your OS X 10.4.11 box?
> (The working one on my box is Xcode 2.5, with "gcc -v" giving ...
> build 5370.

I'm using Xcode 2.5, gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build  

> Get it from 
> https://connect.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MemberSite.woa/wa/promo?source=ADCLOG&code=ADCLOG-NEX
> if you already have created a login. It's at no cost but giving some
> personal data and an email address.)

Believe me, I know this well.  I've had an account there for many,  
many years :-}

> Above I already noted that Sage 3.1.3.alpha3 did build fine, and had
> only three failures with "make test".

There may be some info that I missed in the logs (now on sage.math...)  
to shed some light, but the failures seemed to have no clear  

If you come up with something to try, I'll be happy to give it a  
shot.  In the meantime, I will try the 10.4 build (from scratch) again.


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
When LuteFisk is outlawed,
Only outlaws will have LuteFisk

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