On Nov 1, 2008, at 6:28 AM, David Joyner wrote:

> In principle, it's possible to insert a try except clause into the  
> plot command,
> so that it would
> try:
>   plot(x^2,2,10)
> except:
>   plot(lambda x:real(zeta(x)),2,10)
> There might be more efficient solutions though.

I think this would be bad, but the issue here is that zeta(x) *is* a  
real number stored as a complex. The issue is

sage: RDF(CDF(1))
Traceback (click to the left for traceback)
TypeError: can't convert complex to float; use abs(z)

which is to be consistent with Python complex numbers, but I  
personally think is a bad idea.

> On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 9:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I know about plot?. But you misread my post. I was not trying to
>> type Maple commands into Sage.
>> I was wondering why there should be such a blatant difference
>> between plotting x->x^2 and plotting the zeta function on an interval
>> on the real axis. My point was that Maple shows this is not  
>> necessary.
>> The answer for Sage is that zeta is a numeric function and x^2 is a
>> symbolic
>> expression. But why do I have to know that if I only want to make a
>> simple plot?
>> And besides I think the manual of plot does not say anything about  
>> the
>> distinction.
>> Furthermore zeta is somehow regarded as a complex function and not so
>> x^2 (which of course can also be extended to the complex plane).  
>> Again
>> why
>> is there a distinction?
>> I think inconsistency is an enemy of user friendlyness.
>> Regards,
>> Michel
>> On Nov 1, 1:24 pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Nov 1, 4:59 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> I want to make a simple plot for a talk. As an experiment I try
>>>> plot(x^2,2,10)     (*)
>>>> and it works as expected. So happily I go for the real thing
>>>> plot(zeta(x),2,10)       (**)
>>>> Unfortunately I get a long list of exceptions but no clear  
>>>> indication
>>>> what the problem is.
>>>> plot(zeta,2,10)    (*)
>>>> yields an empty plot.
>>>> plot(real(zeta(x)),2,10)
>>>> gives again exceptions.....
>>>> After several tries I finally find something that works
>>>> plot(lambda x:real(zeta(x)),2,10)    (**)
>>>> In retrospect I can explain why this magic incantation makes sense.
>>>> But I think many users  will be baffled by the difference in
>>>> complexity between (*) and (**). In Maple there is no difference
>>>> between (*) and (**).
>>>> This is sage 3.0.5.  Released 2008-07-11.
>>> Type plot? into a Sage session and you will see plenty of
>>> documentation with examples. How is one supposed to know about  
>>> syntax
>>> otherwise? Sage is not a clone of MMA or Maple, so their syntax does
>>> not work.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Michel
>>> Cheers,
>>> Michael
> >

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