> Finally, I should note that I do not agree with Ralf's views (quoting
>  Doye's article on Aldor) on the importance of universal algebra 
> notions to categories in Axiom.

Maybe it belongs somewhere else, but how would you explain to someone
who is new to Aldor/panAxiom, what the concept of "category" in the
Aldor/panAxiom language is? That is a language concept.

Then comes the question whether an Axiom category is in some way related 
to some known mathematical concept. For me order-sorted algebras match 
quite well while (mathematical) category doesn't (even if that might 
have been the original motivation for the name in Axiom).

> But I do think that this article is very relevant to the subject of
> coercions in computer algebra and so also important in Sage.

Oh, yes, good that you mention that. After I read that thesis I thought 
that the language actually should somehow support that it should not 
matter, which coercion path one follows to arrive at a certain type. The 
result should be the same. But I guess, such a check is undecidable.


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