The rpm packages gcc43-ob-c++ and gcc-obj-c++ are
not installed by default in opensuse 11.0.

After I installed them, sage 3.2.1 compiled successfully.
Now I can run sage 3.2.1.

Thanks for all the replies!

On Dec 29, 8:49 pm, "Gabriel Dos Reis" <> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:19 AM, mabshoff <> wrote:
> > Sigh, when will SUSE learn? They have shipped crap compilers (read:
> > their own patched mess or prerelease snapshots) since way before the
> > days of SuSE 9.0 (half a decade ago IIRC) when their decision to ship
> > pre release compilers finally convinced me after numerous internal
> > compiler errors to switch to another distro after having run SUSE for
> > about 5 years before.
> Most major linux distros have engaged in this stupid contest of shipping
> buggy, unreleased versions of GCC, since almost a decade ago,
> upsetting GCC developers -- it does not make a good reputation for GCC.
> At the time, a different distro was taking the lead.
> It was frustrating for both users and developers at the time; it is
> still so today.  Yes, you'd think they would learn.
> Sickening.
> (Yes, I've been running SuSE for more than a decade.  I was planning
> to upgrade to 11.0, but I think I'll stay at 10.3 for a while, and then go
> straight to 11.1)
> -- Gaby
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