On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 6:12 AM, Stan Schymanski <schym...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In general, I find the response to any of my problems on sage-support or
> sage-devel incredibly fast and helpful. There are a few that passed
> below the radars, though. I thought this had something to do with the
> query itself, but since I often get helpful replies straight away if I
> re-submit the query after a month or so, I suspect that it is just a
> matter of how busy people are and how quickly the message gets buried by
> other messages. Some people may not be as obnoxious as I am though, and
> they might get frustrated if they never receive an answer. Maybe it
> would be good to somehow keep unanswered emails at the top of list. Not
> sure if this is possible in Google Groups.
> Stan

Since you claim to be obnoxious, perhaps you could ping the list if
you see a message
that has sat there unanswered for a while.  :-)


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