On Sat, 21 Feb 2009 at 03:16PM -0800, mabshoff wrote:
> The ReST transition is a massive set of diffs totaling about 20 MB in
> size, so we do need your help to review the patches in a timely
> fashion. All of them are at the 3.4 milestone
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&group=status&milestone=sage-3.4
> and are awaiting review. I will personally spend much of the next two
> days reading every unreviewed patch and I am hoping that you will help
> out to get everything reviewed in time. Given the size of the diff and
> the amount of time for the review this will likely introduce bugs into
> the documentation. But the costs of carrying this patch forward is
> getting larger and larger as time drags on and we cannot put
> development on hold for a couple weeks, so this merge will cause short
> term pain, but long term gain.

At Mike's sample output page [1], I see that the bottom of each page has
"Copyright 2008, The Sage Group." William recently changed the author in
the "official" BibTeX entry for Sage [2] to "The Sage Development Team".
I think the documentation should be consistent with that decision. Plus,
to echo what William said in the BibTeX thread, "The Sage Group" makes
me think of old guys in expensive suits who fly in private jets to DC to
ask Congress for a bailout.


  2. http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/msg/436d916787ffd26f
---  Dan Drake <dr...@kaist.edu>
-----  KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
-------  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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