Dear all,

The below refers to the following ticket:

Since the introduction of TinyMCE the use of %hide %html for html
formatted text in the notebook will become less popular, but I still
have a number of old notebooks that have a lot of such cells.

As of version 3.3, cells beginning with %hide %html are formatted
correctly when the notebook is first opened. However, re-evaluation of
these cells breaks the formatting. It gets restored when the notebook
is closed and reopened, so this behaviour is just the opposite to what
was reported in the ticket.

To reproduce, create the following cell, evaluate, close, open and
evaluate again:

<h2> Formatting of html cells</h2>
Since the introduction of TinyMCE, the formatting of html in
computation cells does not work as it did before. After evaluating a
cell starting with %hide %html line breaks are not set and the text
looks different to how it was. Curiously, saving the notebook and re-
opening it leads to the same cells being formatted properly. However,
re-evaluation of the cells breaks it again.

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