found another little bug. The function sage-view-disable-inline-plots
works fine when called interactively (after run-sage, that is) -- but
in my case it does not work when placed in sage-startup-hook as
suggested on the wiki page ! i mean i have

(add-hook 'sage-startup-hook 'sage-view-always 'sage-view-disable-

in my .emacs, to no effect.

On 23 fév, 11:58, Pierre <> wrote:
> here's another trick i use, by the way. It simply attaches the current
> buffer to sage, so you just need to go C-x C-s on your file in order
> to send everything :
> (defun sage-attach-current-buffer ()
> "attach current .sage file"
> (interactive)
> (process-send-string (get-buffer "*SAGE-main*")
>                      (concat
>                       "attach \""
>                       (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))
>                       "\"\n")))
> I don't know how well this would work with a .py file that's imported
> as a module in the current sage session... is it possible to attach
> modules ? i don't think so.
> here's a last one:
> (defun sage-add-to-path ()
>   "adds the path to the current buffer to the sage path"
>   (interactive)
>   (process-send-string (get-buffer "*SAGE-main*")
>                        (concat
>                         "import sys\n"
>                         "import os\n"
>                         "sys.path.append("
>                         " os.path.split('"
>                         (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))
>                         "' )[0] )\n"
>                         "print 'added to SAGE path:', sys.path[-1]\n")))
> may be useful for "import" commands to work, sometimes.
> pierre
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