On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Harald Schilly
<harald.schi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Surf, part of Surfer: http://www.imaginary2008.de/surfer.php - license gplv2+
> the source builds+runs on my ubuntu 8.10. therefore it could be used
> to visualize 3d equations implicitly (contours maybe too?)
> examples: http://www.imaginary2008.de/galerie.php
> but it is buggy, it doesn't recognize my equations (the red "!" next
> to the input line) ... but that's just the UI.
> The core module (only "surf", included in the "surfer" sources) might
> be the really interesting part. maybe somebody takes a look?

I tried compiling and running surfer, with the same results (only a
"!").  I think that's because it never even tried to compile surf, so
when surfer tried to run surf it failed.

When I tried to compile surf from the surfer source distribution, the
compilation failed; installing the experimental spkg also failed.  I
didn't look into either failure further.

Certainly the pictures in the surfer gallery looked very nice; I hope
somebody fixes up the experimental spkg, so that lazy people like me
can play with it :)

(I do note that surf can only show algebraic surfaces -- you can't
have any trig in your equations, for example.)


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