Hi Robert, William,

On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 01:43:23AM -0800, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> On Mar 3, 2009, at 9:10 PM, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> >     Dear Sage developers,
> >
> > Let me recycle this thread to report progress on the bookshelf of
> > standard object behavior. I just posted a small patch:
> >
> >     http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/5120#comment:3
> >
> > which implements sage.structure.UniqueRepresentation class. Derived
> > classes inherit a unique representation behavior for their instances.
> > Originates from sage.categories.category.uniq with:
> >
> >  - Long doc (6 pages for 12 lines of code)
> >  - Default implementation of__eq__ and __hash__
> >  - Handling of pickling in the simple cases
> >  - Avoids multiple calls to __init__
> >  - Enables rewritings of the constructor argument
> >
> > This is a call for comments! (and reviews).
> >
> > If the principle is validated, it could be worthwhile to use it quite
> > systematically for parents.
> I am a huge fan of uniqueness of parents.
> Any comments on how this relates to the code at http:// 
> hg.sagemath.org/sage-main/file/b0aa7ef45b3c/sage/structure/factory.pyx ?

Thanks for the pointer!

There definitely a feature overlap, but not
complete. UniqueRepresentation can be used by inheritance which has
two advantages:

 - Setting up a policy for a full hierarchy of classes

   (for example, I will be able to enforce the policy that all
   CombinatorialFreeModule's have unique representation. Or I did take
   the decision that all categories have unique representation; well,
   this later decision deserves debate, but that's another story)

 - Hiding this as an implementation detail, and presenting a single
   gadget to the user, so that he can do:

   bla = Bla(x)
   isinstance(bla, Bla)

   rather than:

   bla = Bla(x)
   isinstace(bla, Bla_class)

   (no class name digging)

On the other hand, there are a couple cool features only in
UniqueFactory, and UniqueFactory has use cases not covered by
UniqueRepresentation. So I think both should live (and be used
systematically!!!), but features should be merged as much as possible.

William: would you have time to work on this with me next week at MSRI?

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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