Ryan Hinton wrote:
> One more quick thought.  The first sentence of the Cython tutorial 
> (chapter two of the manual):
> The fundamental nature of Cython can be summed up as follows: Cython is 
> Python with C data types.
> I understand there are thorny corner-cases and even common cases where 
> it's best to break with Python semantics.  This may be one of them.  But 
> I remembered this sentence in the shower this morning as I was trying to 
> figure out why I so strongly expected Python semantics on operators.  I 
> suppose this is more personal reflection, though, since I'm fine if it 
> remains C semantics -- as long as it is clearly documented.  Perhaps a 
> Wiki page, FAQ entry, and/or manual entry of differences between Cython 
> and Python.

+1 on Python semantics for the above reasons.  I'm a more casual Cython 
user.  At one point, I thought someone (Robert B?) said that python code 
should run unmodified as Cython code, and if it didn't, that was a bug 
(or at least, wasn't implemented yet).  That shaped my opinion that 
Cython was more Pythonic than C

*plants tongue in cheek* Besides, Cython has *five* letters in common 
with Python, and only *one* letter in common with C.  Clearly, that 
helps us see where the priorities should be :).

That said, I'm sure I'll adjust to whatever is decided.  I can see 
remembering to change things to C semantics being frustrating, though.



> Thanks!
> - Ryan
> Ryan Hinton wrote:
>> Robert,
>> Since I hit the problem I'm motivated to chime in.  I also followed the 
>> email trail on the cython list.
>> Quick summary:
>> [X] Let the programmer decide, with
>> [X'] Get 4 as the default
>> There are obviously some cases where speed is paramount and others where 
>> Python compatibility is paramount, so it would be nice to choose. 
>> Echoing the cython list, I also prefer in-code directives over compiler 
>> options (though the two need not be mutually exclusive -- just a matter 
>> of development time).
>> But given the ability to choose, you still need a "default": which 
>> semantics are operative without any compiler options or pragmas.  Even 
>> though I "grew up" writing C, I came to Cython gradually from Python 
>> code, making small changes to see what speed-ups I could get.  So I 
>> assumed Python semantics were operative.  Besides my use case and 
>> personal preference, I think it's more pleasant to add a pragma from a 
>> wiki page of optimizations than to get really frustrated debugging 
>> because you made one little change and now your code segfaults (my 
>> experience).
>> Thanks for working on this!
>> - Ryan
>> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>> Here's a quick poll.
>>> In Python, if I write "-1 % 5", I get 4. This is how we do it in Sage  
>>> as well (and I think it's the right way--that's not what I'm trying  
>>> to ask). However, in C if I write "-1 % 5" I get -1. The question is,  
>>> what should I get in Cython if I write (a % b) where a and b are cdef  
>>> ints? Should I
>>> [ ] Get 4, because it should behave just like in Python, even though  
>>> it will require extra logic and be a bit slower
>>> [ ] Get -1, because they're C ints, and besides we wouldn't be using  
>>> Cython if we didn't care about performance
>>> [ ] Let the programmer decide (e.g. using http://wiki.cython.org/ 
>>> enhancements/compilerdirectives ) recognizing that % will mean  
>>> different things in different contexts.
>>> - Robert
> > 

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