Maurizio wrote:
> Is any of you guys a launchpad member?
> I'm not able to contact the Quantities developers, this is the email I 
> sent to their mailing list, but it has probably been filtered because of 
> not being a developer. Jason can you forward this to the Quantities 
> developers?

Yes, it looks like you have to join launchpad to see the emails, mail 
the mailing list, etc.  Could you join and be the point person between 
Sage and Quantities?



> Thanks
> Maurizio
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Maurizio Granato* < 
> <>>
> Date: Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 2:39 PM
> Subject: Quantities chance to spread
> To: 
> <>
> Hello guys,
> I'm Maurizio, an electronic engineer who greatly appreciate the chance 
> to work with all the python-powered tools nowadays freely available on 
> the internet.
> I discovered Quantities just a couple of days ago, and I'm very 
> interested in taking advantage out of it.
> Since I'm currently using SAGE ( ), I was eager 
> to install Quantities in SAGE. I don't know whether you are aware of it, 
> SAGE is a free open-source <> mathematics 
> software system, that combines the power 
> <> of many existing open-source 
> packages <> into a common 
> Python-based interface. From this point of view, Quantities addition 
> makes perfect sense to me, to enhance engineering capabilities of SAGE: 
> it is already very powerful, both in terms of numeric computation, since 
> it includes *numpy and scipy*, and in terms of symbolic calculus, since 
> it includes *sympy *and it greatly interfaces with *maxima*.
> SAGE developers' aim is to provide an open source alternative to MatLab, 
> Mathematica (and I would add Mathcad as well, because of the very nice 
> html powered available interface), so having a physical quantities 
> management should be a "must" feature.
> As you can see here: 
> I've proposed to include Quantities in SAGE, but unfortunately this is 
> not directly possible, since SAGE deals with numbers not in the straight 
> Python way. I've seen a lot of interest from the SAGE community in it, 
> and it seems that they would greatly appreciate if you would consider to 
> work a little bit (it seems that just some minor modifications would be 
> necessary) to let quantities work in SAGE. A long term idea could be 
> also to make quantities deal with the already present symbolic 
> capabilities, that would allow for such an interesting scenario!!
> I consider this a win-win strategy, because this would add a very useful 
> feature to SAGE, and would give you guys a great exposure, and a lot of 
> bug reporting, I think.
> Please, I also would like you to consider what I proposed in that 
> mailing list for physical quantities management: please have a look at 
> MESSAGE #16 of the thread I previously mentioned. My idea is to let the 
> user add physically homogeneous quantities (like centimeters and 
> millimeters, or milliVolts and Volts) and then produce the result in the 
> more convenient way. I've derived this good habit from my CASIO 
> calculator, that has been so useful and comfortable to use during all 
> the years of my study and my work. I have already been able to do this 
> with a one line modification in quantities source to do this.
> Thank you very much for considering this, even just your comments on the 
> SAGE group would be greatly appreciated.
> Keep up the good work!
> Best regards
> Maurizio
> > 

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