2009/4/3 Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>:
> On Apr 3, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Nick Alexander wrote:
>>> This should probably change, and
>>> ZZ._coerce_map_from_(bool) should return True.
>> Just to be clear: we are going to keep "True * 1" as a valid
>> multiplication?  That seems bizarre to me.
> Well, I'm not stuck on it, it'd be mostly to follow Python here
>  >>> 1 * True
> 1
>  >>> 2 * True
> 2
>  >>> 1.25 + True
> 2.25
> It does feel a bit odd...
> - Robert

Odd or not, it is a fact that in Sage if n is a Python int/float then
the above works as given (and this is the case even in Python 3.0).
I think we should just follow Python for consistency here.


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