Surely it would be worth testing self.gcd(m)==m early on in the
exact_log function, i.e. that m divides self?  I may be naive but I
would implement this by testing m|a, if so dividing a by m, and
continuing.  The current method describes itself as "extremely stupid
code" but it still trying to be clever!.


2009/4/8 Bill Hart <>:
> Here's some timings for exact_log:
> In Sage:
> def random(n):
>    a = ZZ.random_element(n)
>    return a
> def z_exact_log_test(m, n, k):
>    for i in range(0, m) :
>        a = random(n) + 2
>        b = random(k)
>        c = a^b
>        d = c.exact_log(a)
>        if b != d:
>            print "Error", b, "!=", d
> time z_exact_log_test(100000, 64, 1000)
> 4.72s
> In Magma:
> t:=Cputime();
> for i := 0 to 100000 do
> a := Random(64) + 2;
> b := Random(1000);
> c := a^b;
> d := Ilog(a,c);
> if d ne b then
> print "Error";
> end if;
> end for;
> Cputime(t);
> 0.72s
> Bill.
> On 8 Apr, 07:17, Bill Hart <> wrote:
>> I've been looking through the methods for ZZ with a view to doing a
>> Magma/Sage comparison for marketing purposes. I've been noticing a few
>> issues as I go. There's going to be lots of these, so I think I should
>> give my list in small blocks. I can file trac tickets for them once
>> someone verifies that these are really not just me not knowing enough
>> python, or whatever.
>> ZZ
>> ====
>> Speed Issues:
>> * n.bits takes much longer than n.binary(), but the latter needs to
>> compute the former first!!!
>> * n.coprime_integers uses a hopelessly slow algorithm (we should at
>> least use a sieve)
>> * n.factor is bizarrely slow for small integers (e.g. n < 1,000,000)
>> by a HUGE factor
>> * n.exact_log can be done faster for small bases by making careful use
>> of the identity log_m(n) = log_2(n)/log_2(m) (I wrote a crappy broken
>> python implementation and timed this - I don't know how to write it
>> properly as I don't know enough about Sage yet)
>> Missing doc strings:
>> * n.base_extend
>> * n.additive_order
>> * n.category
>> * n.db (doesn't give an example)
>> *
>> Missing methods:
>> * n.euler_phi
>> * n.random (random integer less than n - I will believe you if you
>> tell me this is not the python way)
>> Weird names:
>> * n.divide_knowing_divisible_by (perhaps div_exact, exact_quotient,
>> divide_exact would be better)
>> Documentation issues:
>> * n.dump says "Same as, compress)", but compress is
>> not discussed in save docstring
>> Bill.
> >

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