When I do:
sage: A=matrix(QQ,3,3,[-3,2,0 , 2,3,-2 , 0,-2,5 ])
sage: Q=QuadraticForm(2*A)
sage: Q
Quadratic form in 3 variables over Rational Field with coefficients:
[ -3 4 0 ]
[ * 3 -4 ]
[ * * 5 ]

If I try to get the diagonal form:
sage: Q.rational_diagonal_form()
Quadratic form in 3 variables over Rational Field with coefficients:
[ -3 -32 5184 ]
[ * -81 26240 ]
[ * * -2125111 ]
which is clearly not diagonal...
sage: Q.rational_diagonal_form().Gram_matrix()
[      -3      -16     2592]
[     -16      -81    13120]
[    2592    13120 -2125111]
the signature() method uses rational_diagonal_from() so it is also
gives strange results:
sage: Q.signature()
sage: Q.Gram_matrix().eigenvalues()
[-3.646808552172955?, 2.284147264963001?, 6.362661287209955?]
sage: Q.matrix().eigenvalues()
[0, -11.47177122123975?, -1.409895056381797?, 10.88166627762154?]

I want to confirm that this is a bug, because I have written a fix
that works the way I believe it should.

Luis Berlioz

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