Hi folks,

I like the floor function that is automatically loaded during each
terminal session. And I think it's the function
sage.calculus.calculus.Function_floor. I'm trying to use that function
in the patch up at #5827. In that patch, I implemented a module called
"sage/crypto/knapsack" with only the class "Superincreasing" at the
moment.  In the method "_largest_less_than" of that class, I've
imported the above floor function by doing

from sage.calculus.calculus import Function_floor as floor

at the beginning of the method. However, when it comes to using the
said method, I received this error

*** begin  Sage transcript ***

sage: L = [2, 3, 7, 25, 67, 179, 356, 819]
sage: Superincreasing(L)._largest_less_than(207)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

in <module>()

in _largest_less_than(self, N)
    167         high = len(self._seq) - 1
    168         while low <= high:
--> 169             mid = Integer(floor((low + high) / 2))
    170             if N == self._seq[mid]:
    171                 return self._seq[mid]

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__init__ (sage/rings/integer.c:6484)()

in _integer_(self, ZZ)
   1769             -3
   1770         """
-> 1771         return Integer(repr(self))
   1773     def _add_(self, right):

in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__init__ (sage/rings/integer.c:6446)()

TypeError: unable to convert x (=floor) to an integer

*** end Sage transcript ***

To get around the problem, I changed the import statement

from sage.calculus.calculus import Function_floor as floor


from math import floor

But this floor function can return a floating point number, so I would
need to coerce its result to type Integer. Did I miss any other import
statements to make  sage.calculus.calculus import Function_floor
return a result of type integer?

Minh Van Nguyen

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