kcrisman wrote:
>> Patch up athttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5836
> I ask out of ignorance - will this somehow break how interacts
> currently work?  Maybe it will even make them better?

better; much better.

Now you can control what the output looks like (i.e., the order of the 
plots, put the plots in tables, etc.) without resorting to the <img> 
tags you used to have to do.

The only thing it will break about existing interacts is that the plots 
will show up right where the call to show() was.  So if you relied on 
the plots being tacked onto the end, that will change.  But things like 
will be easier, since we won't have to do the saving and then later 
<img> tags.

For example, (after the patch) here is a way to display a list of graphs 
and the numbers of edges in the graph.  It needs an auxiliary function:

def html_table(data, options=""):
     html("<table %s>"%options)
     for row in gg:
         for cell in row:

Then you can just do:

html_table([(g, g.size()) for g in graphs(4)], options="border=1")

For a more advanced version of the auxiliary function that has 
stagnated, see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4575 (and in 
the patch, replace the call to latex() with a show(), like above, so 
that graphics come out nice).

Does anyone know the status of #4575?


Jason Grout

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