
I am puzzled by this:

ond...@raven:~$ sage
| Sage Version 3.4.1, Release Date: 2009-04-21                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: var('x,y,z', ns=1)
(x, y, z)
sage: f = (x+y+z+1)^7
sage: time g = expand(f*(f+1))
CPU times: user 3.86 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 3.86 s
Wall time: 3.86 s
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m3.90s, Wall time 0m26.84s).

ond...@raven:~$ sage
| Sage Version 3.4.1, Release Date: 2009-04-21                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: var('x,y,z')
(x, y, z)
sage: f = (x+y+z+1)^7
sage: time g = expand(f*(f+1))
CPU times: user 0.07 s, sys: 0.02 s, total: 0.09 s
Wall time: 1.23 s
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.12s, Wall time 0m9.59s).
Exiting spawned Maxima process.

ond...@raven:~$ sage
| Sage Version 3.4.1, Release Date: 2009-04-21                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: from sympy import var, expand
sage: var('x,y,z')
(x, y, z)
sage: f = (x+y+z+1)^7
sage: time g = expand(f*(f+1))
CPU times: user 3.23 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 3.26 s
Wall time: 3.27 s
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m3.36s, Wall time 0m30.75s).

What am I doing wrong? Even pure python sympy is faster than pynac...

I got one student working on a C++ core, so we wanted to benchmark it
on something, but I am really confused by any benchmarks now, as
obviously something stupid is happening above, but I only discovered
that because the timings are so obviously slow. If they were faster, I
wouldn't notice anything and I would happily use those timings as


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