On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 2:27 AM, Robert Bradshaw
<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Apr 26, 2009, at 2:08 AM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> So when I am exposing a new class, i it's quite a lot of typing,
>> especially the name of the C++ class has to be copied over and over
>> again (e.g. in the definition of the new constructor, etc). Compared
>> to swig, it was much easier to do it in swig, where you basically just
>> copy the C++ header file and swig does the rest. That said, the Cython
>> way is of course much cleaner in the end, once I have it written
>> already.
> Yes, one of the differences between Cython and swig is that swing
> provides automated wrappers, whereas Cython lets you use the library
> directly, not just wrap it. Of course wrappers can still be done,
> it's more manual work (sometimes this is good as it allows a more
> "pythonic" interface to the underlying library) There was someone who
> prototyped a tool to do auto-generate classes (I believe he called it
> ccython) which read in C++ files and generated .pyx files. Not sure
> how far it went.

I would like to stick to Cython and I don't want any magic behind the
scene, e.g. I like the Cython way. But still I believe it could be
made simpler.

Currently one basically uses a C like syntax to handle C++ classes.
And of course one can do OO programming in C, but it's just a lot of
typing. That's why I actually prefer C++ for OO stuff, becuase I don't
have to type that much --- the syntax for defining a class+methods is
way less verbose than doing a C struct and then constructor,
destructor, etc. as C functions.

So my idea was that maybe Cython .pxd definition could be similarly
less verbose. As an example, I could imagine going from:

   cdef struct c_WeakForm "WeakForm":
       void add_biform(int i, int j, ...)
       void add_biform_surf(int i, int j, ...)
       void add_liform(int i, ...)
       void add_liform_data(int i, void *data)
       void add_liform_surf(int i, ...)
   c_WeakForm *new_WeakForm "new WeakForm" (int neq)

to something like:

cdef class WeakForm:
       WeakForm(int neq)
       void add_biform(int i, int j, ...)
       void add_biform_surf(int i, int j, ...)
       void add_liform(int i, ...)
       void add_liform_data(int i, void *data)
       void add_liform_surf(int i, ...)

I don't know --- obviously, the current Cython way is very explicit,
and I like that. But it's just like with numpy arrays --- one can also
use the explicit way, but you already added some syntactic sugar into
Cython to simplify things, so maybe something similar could be done
for C++ classes too.

>> Another area of improvement is that if the C++ contains hierarchy of
>> classes, I need to store a pointer to for example the ancestor and
>> then retype it everytime I want to use it in subclasses, like here:
>> http://github.com/certik/hermes2d/blob/
>> b4ddf0e825180f1360304d93cd3a081ba22b101e/python/hermes2d/
>> hermes2d.pyx#L125
>> it'd be nice to have some easier way to handle C++ subclasses in
>> Cython. I don't know how it should be done though.
> Good point. If we can declare inheritance information, I believe we
> can use the same type infrastructure we use for cdef classes to
> handle this smootly.

Yes. If it could be made simpler, it'd be awesome.


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