On Apr 30, 9:47 pm, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> On Apr 30, 2009, at 9:41 PM, mabshoff wrote:


> > please open a ticket. I think you might be using figsize wrong, i.e.
> > it isn't supposed to be a list or at least it isn't in MPL. If I pass
> > figsize=2 in for example it works. What might happen is that some kwd
> > argument gets passed into the wrong place and *boom*. The issue is
> > definitely in MPL:
> Phew... :)

Well, I guess we will have to wait on an expert to have the final
opinion here, but I remember that in the past figsize has been abused
in various ways, i.e. in the last stable MPL release before the one we
shipped the allocation for large figsize values was so large it would
routinely fail and then things would go boom.


> > It is important here to input all but the last closing parenthesis,
> > hit enter and then close the expression and hit enter again. The
> > result is the above complaint ;). Should I open a ticket for this one?
> Here is the underlying issue:
> sage: f(q) = q
> sage: SR(f).parent() is SR
> False
> This should be completely re-written and fixed in the new symbolics.

Ok, no ticket then and I will worry about some other things then. Not
that I have to look for trouble then :)

> - Robert


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