On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 11:42 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
<david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> mabshoff wrote:
>>> He told me Mathematica can go up to about 2^45 or so, but not beyond.
>> At least for MMA 6.0 on linux x86-64 the limit seems to be around
>> 2^47:
> As I said in the other post, the limit is PrimePi[249999999999999].
>>          MMA        Sage
>> 2^44:   18.04      110.88   (597116381732)
>> 2^45:   29.98      207.61   (1166746786182)
>> 2^46:   47.59      389.98   (2280998753949)
>> 2^47:   89.25      728.84   (4461632979717)
>> 2^48:   NA :)      about an hour - correct?
>> According to Alex's numbers at least on his laptop 2^46 was correct on
>> 32 bits, but given the length of the test (~6 minutes on sage.math
>> this isn't really doctestable).
>>> The algorithm in Mathematica is completely different (and better) than
>>> what Andrew implemented for Sage.   As far as I know the situation for
>>> computing pi(X) using general purpose math software is thus:
> One (admitidly unlikely) possibility is that Wolfram have used the same
> algorithm, but used assembly code. I think they claim the kernel is
> C/C++, but that permits bits of inline assembly.
>>>    * Mathematica -- has the best implementation available
>>>    * Sage -- now has the second best implementation available
>> Yep, the old implementation was about 1000 times slower than Andrew's
>> which is about 5 times slower than MMA 6.0 - so great job from
>> catching us up from 5000 times to only 5 times :).
> I gather you have managed to get a SPARC version of Sage running. It
> would be interesting to compare the performance on SPARC of Mathematica
> and Sage. I very much doubt Wolfram would have used hand-optimised
> assembly code on SPARC, so if the timings still show Mathematica to be
> 5x quicker, then yes, I would agree it's a better algorithm. But if the
> timings are very similar, it suggests to me that perhaps the better
> performance of Mathematica is due to writing assembly code, rather than
> using a high-level language.
>>>    * Pari, Maple, Matlab -- "stupid" implementations, which all simply
>>> enumerate all primes up to x and see how many there are.  Useless, and
>>> can't come close to what Sage or Mathematica do.
>> Well, what should we pick as upper bound? 2^40 seems to be what Andrew
>> suggests, but maybe 2^42 or 2^43? In that range we can actually add
>> #long doctests and I would be much more comfortable that we would at
>> least catch potential issues.
> Personally, if Sage can go to 249999999999999, then I would use that as
> an upper bound. If the algorithm in Sage gives the same answer as
> Mathematica
> In[95]:= PrimePi[249999999999999]
> Out[95]= 7783516108362
> then why not use Sage to there? The poor SPARC I used for this was very
> heavily loaded and quite old, but it only took 20 minutes or so. Even an
> algorithm that is 5x slower should be able to compute
> primepi(249999999999999) in under an hour on any half-decent modern
> machine.
> Of course, a search of the literature for a better algorithm might have
> some millage. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to a university
> account and so can't search journals without paying for access to
> individual ones, which clearly I can't justify. Neither am I
> particularly good at maths, having never maths studied beyond that
> needed for an engineering degree
> One unfortunate side-effect of the closed-source vs open-source code is
> the fact that if open-source code (e.g. Sage) has a faster algorithm
> than Mathematica, then it's relatively easy for WRI to look at the
> algorithm in Sage and use the same one, to bring Mathematica and Sage to
> similar performances. The converse is not true of course - it is not
> possibly for Sage developers to find out the algorithm Mathematica uses.
> However, a look at
> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PrimeCountingFunction.html
> might give some clues as to the algorithm Mathematica uses. Although the
> algorithm Mathematica is not stated in that Mathworld page, there are a
> number of references. Two look interesting:
> Mapes, D. C. "Fast Method for Computing the Number of Primes Less than a
> Given Limit." Math. Comput. 17, 179-185, 1963.
> Gourdon, X. "New Record Computation for pi(x), x=10^21." 27 Oct 2000.
> http://listserv.nodak.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0010&L=nmbrthry&P=2988
> The link
> http://listserv.nodak.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind0010&L=nmbrthry&P=2988
> states the algorithm used, but in a way I don't understand. It says:
> "This value has been checked by computing pi(10^21+10^8) with
> a different parameter y used in the algorithm"
> but y is not defined!

This page:


says what algorithm is used in Mathematica to compute PrimePi, and it
is definitely *not* the one used in Sage.  It is a completely
different harder-to-implement algorithm with better asymptotic

In any case, we definitely do intend to install Mathematica on our new
Sparc T5240 box,  since UW has a site license for Mathematica which
includes a Sparc Solaris version.

 -- William

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