On 8-May-09, at 2:23 AM, Kwankyu wrote:

> Hi,
> This works:
> sage: R.<x,y>=PolynomialRing(QQ,2)
> sage: a=x^2+x*y+y
> sage: a.polynomial(x)
> x^2 + y*x + y
> But this does not work:
> sage: R.<x,y>=PolynomialRing(GF(5),2)
> sage: a=x^2+x*y+y
> sage: a.polynomial(x)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ...
> TypeError: 'tuple' object cannot be interpreted as an index

A temporary workaround is to use R.<x, y>=ZZ[] and then maybe  
a.polynomial(x).change_ring(GF(5)) when you need it.

This bug happens because, internally, multivariate are represented in  
many different ways.  What I think is needed is a "multivariate  
standard representation" agreed upon, but of course this makes  
creation of elements slower in any particular ring.


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